September 04
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Whats it Like to Be a Dog?
Do animals have rich emotional lives?
1. Are they following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidences from the text. No
marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) As far animal emotions are concerned, common sense and science sense are always in
agreement. FALSE.
… common sense is sometimes difficult to reconcile with science sense,…..
b) Nowadays an important part of the scientific community has come to the conclusion
that non-human animals do have feelings. TRUE.
Today many scientists are accepting that non-human animals do indeed experience
emotions …….
(puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
2. In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
a) Why did animal emotions go unnoticed for many years?
Animal emotions go unnoticed for many years because they were considered mere living
machines that only respond to pretty basic stimuli in a mechanical way.
b) What scientific evidence is there to show that animals experience emotions?
Animals have the necessary brain structures to be able to feel truly emotions.
(puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
3. Find a synonym for the following words according to meaning in the text:
a) truly (paragraph 1) indeed
b) besides (paragraph 3) in addition
c) growing (paragraph 3) increasing
d) too (paragraph 3) as well
4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate from of the word in brackets when
a. If scientists studied (study) more about the characteristics of animal behaviour in the future,
they would understand (understand) more about human personality.
b. Two animals that show intense emotions are whales and dolphins. Their emotional lives
have been explored (explore) for many years.
c. Scientists say that the most wonderful thing about working (work) with chimpanzees is
discovering their intelligence. In fact, they are the most intelligent (intelligent) animals in the
d. Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech with the words given.
"My experiments will prove the existence of the emotional lives of animals, said Darwin.
Darwin said that his experiments would prove the existence of the emotional lives of
(puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)
5. Write about 100 to 150 words on one of the following topics.
a) Have you ever seen a film or read a book about an animal that showed its feelings.
I have seenmany scenesonTVwhere theanimalsappear.Somefeelpain,asinThe Simpsons,"scratchanditch.
"Area mouseanda cat,that arekillingallthe time.Thisis soberingbecauseanimals havefeelingsand it issadthatdrawhurting.
I've also seen a film that excited me a lot. It's called "Hachiko.
" This is a man who findsa puppy in the street. The dog stays with him and growing, but the man dies and the dogwaiting at the station. The dog is cold and hungry but still waiting, because he wants tosee his owner.
I thought it was a very sad movie and cry a lot at her. Then I discovered it was a real story, because the dog had died waiting for his owner, really.
b) Do you think animals really have emotional lives like humans? Discuss.
Theissueofanimal emotionsisa very controversial topic.
Some think that they feel nothing, others like us humans.
I am the second type of person.
I believe that animals feel and if they do suffer damage.
Some think they have no soul, but I think so, since they are living beings.
Honestly, people who mistreats an animal, saying he does not feel it is cruel.
Should hurt themselves rather than to a helpless being.
I belong to an animal shelter and there is felt. I have a pet at home and when you do not give something crying. That is why feel sad.
There is no denying that have less capacity than humans but that is no reason todiscriminate.
Inconclusion,I believethat animalshave feelings,and thereforeshould be treated equally.