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Everybody knows that the Earth is getting hotter. We hear the greenhouse effect and global warming every day.
The average temperature of the Earth is going up. Global warming, which is a result of the greenhouse effect, means that the sun’s heat is trapped. As a result, summers are getting hotter and drier. In many countries this is causing huge forest fires. These fires cause a lot of severe damage. As a result of the Earth getting hotter there are also more droughts.
To sum up, there’s a lot of evidence that the earth is definitely getting hotter and most governments accept the evidence and are trying to do something about it.
Today almost every newspaper and magazine has a horoscope. Although it’s true that people enjoy reading them, I think that they’re a waste of time. I think the worst thing about horoscopes is the fact that they make people superstitious. I also think they make people believe that things can happen without them doing doing anything. I also think that the predictions are so general that they could mean anything! If there was nothing else to read, I still wouldn’t read my horoscope.
They really encourage ignorance and superstition. In short, I think that they are a waste of time. Why read horoscopes when you could do something else more interesting?