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hello, my name is Francisco, I live in Cordoba is a small city in Spain, I'm 17 years old and live with my parents in a flat, but I also have a sister pequeña.mi favorite sport is going to the gym and football. Study at a secondary school called Blas Infante is large enough, all classes have their computers and are quite large. I like hanging out with my friends party or to the movies but I like to go also with the bike through the countryside, I also enjoy dining out at night with my girlfriend.
hello, my name is francisco I'm a guy who does not like shopping much but whenever I go to my friends took me to the clothing stores and I have to try all the clothes in the store jeans, shirts, jackets and mas.No I like shopping but I love clothes especially chaquetas.el my sneakers and went last weekend with my friends to buy clothes at a downtown shop called celop where clothing is very beautiful and has a good price, I buy some jeans and a white shirt for a night out. Yesterday I was given a white jersey with blue stripes and a silver bracelet bought from a famous store.