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(1)many people .nowdays,want to lose weight in a rapid way without doing exercise,for it they decide to apped to miracle cures for weight loss in a little my opinion,i totally desagree that the miracle cures should be prohibited by the department of health,they have been for sale.(2)These diets are a decption for desperate people who want to obtain a badly ten in a few days.according to the statics in spain,the 45% or 60% of people with overweight they fall down into these deceptions that can damage their health.(3)finally,the people with this problem should be well informated their and go to the doctor,in order not to put in danger their health.(1)to start with,let us say that many people use public transport.nowdays,they use public transport to protect the enviroment,to save money in fuel and especially they dont have to look for a parking and this way to have much free time.(2)on the other hand,an avaid the maintenance of your car..moreover,to do not have to pay the inssurance like the car.however,it has important disadvantages as having to wait for an hour for the bus to come,that is to say,(es decir),its possible you dont to be on time.(3)to conclude,if we use p.t. to protect the enviroment,as a matter(d hecho) there will be less gases in the atmosphere.nevertheless,if we will have a car,we can to salve any emergency.

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