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Scotland is a country in northwest of Europe it occupies the northern third of the island of Great Britain. The capital is Edinburgh, being Glasgow the biggest city and whose metropolitan area groups of 20 % of the whole of the Scotch population.
The population of Scotland in the 2008 census is to 5,116,900 Inhabitants. Scotland has an extension of approximately 78.783 km ². The weather in Scotland is colder than the rest of the United Kingdom, especially in his more north zones.
Principal places to visit in Scotland are:
· The Lake Ness is an extensive and deep lake of sweet water that one finds in the Highlands of it Scotland, in the United Kingdom.
· The castle of Edinburgh it is located on the core of an extinct volcano.
· Balmoral's Castle is located in the property that takes the same name in Aberdeenshire's county, Scotland and is the residence deprived of the queen.
· Stirling's Castle was representing the military Scotch resistance against the English aggression in the middle Ages.

Moreover it is important the meal of Typical food in Scotland:
Continues being the local dish Englishman, the fish and chips.
Finally, we will talk about famous inhabitants:
· Adam - Roberto (1728-1792) - architect of the castle of Culzean and of many other thin buildings.
· Barrie - Sir J M (1860-1937) - author of " Peter's pan " and " of the admirable Crichton".
· Blair - Anthony (Tony) (1953-) - BRITISH Prime ministers.
· Brewster - Sir David (1781-1868) - invented the kaleidoscope and the lenticular stereoscope.
Do you know them?
Visit Scotland you will have a great time.

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