Reported Speech

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Pres simp=>pas simpl:I train=>he said he trained
pres cont=>pas cont:i'm having=>he said he was having pres perf=>past perf: we haven't seen it=>they said they hadn't seen it past simpl=>past perfect
i met her=>he said he had met her can=>could /
will=>would / must=>had to / may=>might
Said to me / told me
Expresiones: this->that / here->there / today->that day / yesterday->the day before/the previous day / tomorrow-> the next day*the following day

Ord.Indirectas: Sujeto + [told/asked/advised/warned] - Objeto + to + inf. (She said to me, 'Be quiet, please->She told me to be quiet')
Or. Interrogativas: Wh- no:S + asked+ Ob./want to know/know/wonder/not know (if/wheter) * Wh-: S + (asked/wondered/wanted to know/didn't know) wath i was doing.
V.Int.porThat: admit/agree/claim/complain/explain/insist /promise/remind/reply/say/suggest/warn/tell-Ob.

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