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SHOULD EVEREST BE CLOSED? : FALSE Warnings from ecologists that a disaster is imminent in the area around Mount Everest have been ignored fir years.- TRUE There are tens of thousands or peoples in the region who…//They think that tourism is not helping for a good development of the area, because tourists also use the basic resources from the Everest, as well as the small communities of the area.- In fact, Nepalese official don´t want to close Mount Everest Because of the economic Benefits that they obtain with the money that tourists spend when they want to climb the Everest.//a)providing b)perilous c)reduction d)summit//a)visiting, to destroy b)found, significantly c) if, to save d)is being done.SOLOMON`S REAL MINE DISCOVERED? :TRUE The mines are enormous and would have generated a huge income for the king…- FALSE The ancient mine was found in a desolate region south of the Dead Sea in modern-day Jordan in…//Because after getting informed from the Bible an king Solomon`s novel and the location of the lost mines they believe they have found the treasure.- They have being searching for the mines in Africa since 19th century because the popular Victorian novel, King Solomon`s Mines took place in that region.//a) arid b)heart c)trading d)closer.//a) about, from b)becoming, a c)gave d)was written, whose.DO YOU THINK YOU CAN RECYCLE? Then you must meet the villagers of Kamikatsu, in Japan! : TRUE the village was forced to change the way managed it`s waste in 2000 when.. - FALSE It took ages to sort everything into different types, but it comes…//There are more than 30 categories of recycling wastes. They have to put the organic rubbish in special containers, which are next to some of the town`s houses, besides separating the nom-organic trash, depending on its material, which are taken to a special centre for recycling them. - One woman who lives in the town thinks that firstly, it was so hard at the beginning, and that it took some years to get used to separate the rubbish but nowadays, it is something natural.// a)aim b)lid c)ages d)sort//don`t recycle, will have to abandon, using, with, is made, which, must be recycled by color.DO YOU SLEEP ENOUGH? : FALSE A good night`s sleep LS becoming ever more elusive for the… - FALSE The youngsters mothers were asked to record the amount of time the children..//It is mentioned because it is the on which published three articles about the problem of sleeplessness both in children and in adult people. - Short-sleeping children show poorer results in mental and language tests than those ones who sleep the recommended hours a day, and they are also more likely to suffer hyperactivity.// a)tackle b)sleeplessness c)amount d)critical.//often, at, who, than, from, their, spent, an.