Present simple

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SUXFIXES: -ment,tion,sion,er,or,ity


after certain verbs: i enyoy meeting after

prepositions: i thought of calling after certain

expressions: i felt like changing as a subject of a sentence

dating this way GERUNDIS CD, darrera prep,subjecte orac.

INFINITIUS  verb+to darrere adj i adv, darrere CI VERBS DAVANT

DE GERUN. I INFIN. stop+gerundi, stop+infinitiu, remember+gerundi,

remember+infinitiu,forget+gerundi,forget+infinitiu/ afraid of: espantat de

bad for: dolent per disappointed in/with: decebut per/amb excited about:

emocionat amb good at: bo en insulted by: insultat per involoved in:

involucrat en pleased with: content amb proud of: orgullós de

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