Ingles verbo to be
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corriente alterna: A.C - appendix: APPX - average: A.V
centigrade: C - compare: CF - degrees: ° - chapter: CH
direct corrent: D.C - for-example: E.G - gram: GM
that is to say(es decir): I.E - below: INFRA - inches: " ´
less than: < - more than: > - number: No - publication: PUBL
referencen: REF - societyn: SOC - above, before: SUP - see: VIDE
weigth: WT - yard: YD
ly: mente - main square: plaza de armas - see below: ver abajo
see above: ver lo anterior bridge: puete - hien: alto
Ordinal numbers ---> first --->1st. second --->2nd, third --->3rd
fourth---> 4th, fifth---> 5th
fractions: 1/2----> one- half, 1/4----> one- fourth
3/4---> three- fourths, 9/7---> nine- sevenths